So watch out!  I qualified last July, and commenced activities as a California Notary as of January 1, 2012. My seal will show that my commission is number 1951526, and expires, hopefully before I do, on September 10, 2015.

I felt the need to become one, because the Notary Public office is above all a POSITION OF TRUST. And, because of my experiences in and out of court, I want the public, those interested, to believe that what I tell them is true. I wish the same could be said of utterances from the media, judges, attorneys and sales people, much of which has the force of professional and therefore expert advice.

However, I am not an attorney. I am not licensed to give what passes for legal advice, whether it’s good or bad. I can only tell you what happened to me in passing, and how I handled it. My story, not yours.

What is it that I CAN do?Continue Reading I AM NOW A NOTARY PUBLIC!

My web hosts for this site offered me the chance to migrate to a new platform, from Movable Type to WordPress.  I said yes, go ahead.  The result is what you see now, a big improvement, I think. The layout and design is so much more versatile. It explains why I have been absent for a while.

Best to not operate this site on a Mac Safari browser, as problems arise when You Tubing a video. I use Firefox.Continue Reading MY NEW PLATFORM

is where I can put reader comments and observations. I’ll try to be even handed about it, but I don’t want to run a “gonzo” type blog here, because in today’s internet trafficking world, it tends to get hugely abused, and dissipates any serious intent.
I have also tried to personally reply.
Some of your

Hopefully you are the same John Clark who mentioned my Dad in a recent posting on the message board in Chippefield on line.
If you are then please be assured that you did spell his name correctly although I cannot imagine my Dad terrorising anyone. I am pleased to say that he is alive and

Hi from Anna,a young Italian lady now studying English in San Diego.
I have read something from your blog. I am sorry to hear about your problems and I wish you the best. My compliments for your life and work as artist. Wishing you happiness with your new wife.
Ciao, a hug from Anna.

Dear John,
Thanks for your blog. Sent the following to your daughter, Annabel
today, with the hope that perhaps it might nudge the family a bit
Hi Annabel!
Came across your website via your father’s blog http:// Like your work, especially
the very moving record of your mother’s Journal.
My response
Thanks, Malcolm.

Dear Mr. Clark,
I apologize for inserting myself into your day but I am very touched by your words, situation and attempt to clarify events in your life. I am moved to tears by your struggles with the judicial system, the broadcaster’s, and the individuals in your life.
As an ex-Jehovah’s Witness, a divorcee, and

Lord only knows why it took until now for your post on litigation from January to come up in my aggregator, but I read it and was extremely impressed by its clarity. I rarely see this kind of material presented in this way!
I think you’re exactly right — there will be more, many more,

I was reading your blog because I was curious about “your side” of the story regarding your divorce.
An open marriage I can see and why didn’t you just leave it at that when you explained in your blog? The woman you had your son with was attractive to you, and nature took it’s course.