This complaint was filed in District Court, Los Angeles, on September 23, 2004. As it contains useful details of my personal story, I post it here again today. Remember, posting dates are for reasons of hierarchical separation, and not necessarily the dates things actually happened. Hopefully, insights will be gained as to how the
Links to legal, self-help sites
Since I started this site, I find there have been some excellent websites to find helpful information.
Here’s a new one I just received.
Click on, which will link you to places for up-to-date information you may need, no matter where you live.
I’ll be happy to list others, and will hope for…
Rasputin Lives
An extraordinary new book written by a devoted Lynn Redgrave fan, and boasting about how she effected the outcome of her divorce action against me, has just been published and is available on Amazon.
Letters to Lynn Redgrave: Martial Enlightenment for Modern Women (and Men) by Jeri Massi
Jeri Massi is a fourth degree black…
I have frequently been asked by friends and others in this largely free-wheeling buyer-beware jungle of our industry called Showbiz with its circling network of lawyers and contracts and producers and unions and agents and managers and publicists and landlords and traffic courts … to help them.
They say it’s all very well, but you…
On Writing
Starting each day with an activity that becomes almost ritual seems like a good idea. I guess it’s different for different people, ask Bill Clinton, but for me, after the cup of Chai Latte which I make for myself (the heck with Starbucks), I sit down and try to write something for this blawg.
Continue Reading On Writing
EIGHT YEARS ON! is it really eight years?
Yes. It is now eight years since I started this site. My readers (I have a few, sustained without the help of advertisers) will have noticed that I am surrounded by eminent law-firms, and that this site is hosted by a very successful entrepeneur under the name of Lexblog. Why am I allowed to continue? They are not, after all, my peers, or at least, I am not one of them. So what am I? Do I serve a purpose, and why am I being allowed to continue?
Continue Reading EIGHT YEARS ON! is it really eight years?
Justice: always delayed, often denied – now it’s…..rationed?
April 17, 2012
So a further 30 million dollars is to be slashed from our court system here in California, the largest in the nation? This is on top of the 70 million already taken away this last fiscal year. That’s, get this, $100 MILLION DOLLARS. This means that by the end of June, there will be:
350 fewer employees
56 fewer courtrooms
No court reporters for civil trials unless bought and paid for by the litigants (Appeal? Good luck with that. Shoot the wounded? They may now shoot the living dead)Continue Reading Justice: always delayed, often denied – now it’s…..rationed?
The Self-represented fool
This site is happy to publicize the work of Natalia Sidiakina, for the enlightenment of the public, and in the interest of attaining justice in this country (if indeed that is even possible.)
Link to many items on this subject here in "The Self-represented fool".
California JusticeCorps
READ THIS. THEY ARE NOT MY WORDS, but the words published by the Court before a swearing-in ceremony downtown at the Superior Court on October 20, 2004.
“The number of individuals appearing in California’s courts without legal representation is reaching critical mass and challenging the most fundamental promise of American government: Equal justice under the…
Legal Kits
By this I mean you will need to look very professional in your submissions and pleadings to the courts. They all have their quirks, like “blue backs”, or “exhibit numbers” (the side or the bottom you ask) most of which are mandatory, and damned hard to find at the last minute. So get…