No, this time not with a girl, but with 2 places on the internet.
Google, and Wikipedia.
And this is FREE LOVE, they don’t ask for money in return.
They seem to harbor human souls, seem to know what others want to see or read or hear, and don’t blast you with advertising, certainly not Wikipedia.
For Google, I keep on my desktop a button for Google Advanced Search, another for Image Search, another for Maps Search, another for Finance Search, and another for Blog Search.
For Wikipedia, just one, Wiki Encyclopedia. It is so all-embracing, it is free, and it is DEMOCRATIC too, because it lets you participate. I must admit that I sent them a check in the mail, if only to help discourage them from seeking advertising dollars. If you have expertise in any subjects, or special knowledge of any kind, and particularly if you are getting on a bit, I think one owes it to new generations to pass it on. I’ve seen it said that the information is not always reliable, because people can treat it badly, scam it even. My experience has been that if anybody tries that, it will very quickly get corrected, and the misuser will be banished. The jealous watchdogs are world wide, and numbered in the hundreds of thousands. It is also full of helpful links to the internet. This is a very exciting site, deliciously open and uncensored, with a big future.
Of course, there are others out there, and I will add them as I get to meet and know them, and perhaps fall in love some more.
Meanwhile, I am enjoying all of the services being offered, many of them useful beyond measure. Such as the movie database, and the Broadway database, which I have listed already to the left under Links to Showbiz and Search sites.
And let’s not forget Yahoo Finance, the sine qua non if your hobby is to play the stock market.
Finally did it. Bought myself a Mac, it’s the PowerBook G4, before the Intel chip, got a good deal. I’m trying to fall in love with this too, even though it’s not free, but I must confess playing with her is not easy, comes across as a bit weird, actually. But these are early days, and after a while I shall report further. At the moment, let’s just say we’re flirting. I hope to get into digital movies and editing, that’s really why I got it. Intuitive interplay hasn’t happened – yet. And she sure is a steady platform; wish I could say the same for my HP PC.