So my main house on 4 acres adjoining Topanga State Park, with a private entrance, (debt free, no mortgage) was sold to Katleman for $1.25 million, and my front guest-house/studio on 1 acre with a koy pond and an ancient California oak for $450 thousand to real estate agent Melissa Oliver’s friend, another real estate agent named Linda Gindout, who reps Topanga Properties. Oh, the court made sure I received a net check for just $2,616.03 as my share of this “community property” after deduction of all expenses, including their attorneys’ fees classified as sanctions against me. I didn’t get a statement, the court kept it, as it signed everything in my shoes when I refused. The low prices reflect the absence of buyers due to the recent events of 9/11, and the need for speed to create and cherry-pick the escrow, which became the piggy bank made available to all by about-to-retire Judge Arnold Gold.
This is the Los Angeles Family Court system. More, this is America, folks.
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